
I. 目的

制定本程序是为了实施 新型冠状病毒肺炎政策 (“政策”). This Procedure is adopted to provide notice to employees and students who are required to wear a Respirator to participate in a class offered by the Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) or who voluntarily wear a Respirator in lieu of a Face Covering while present at a Clinical Site regarding how to properly 检查, 穿, 删除, 使用, 商店, 维护, 检查, 进行密封检查, and recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the effective 使用 of respirators in accordance with the guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

II. 适用范围及适用性

This Procedure applies to all College employees and students who are required to wear a Respirator to participate in a class offered by the College or who voluntarily wear a Respirator in lieu of a Face Covering while present at a Clinical Site.

3. 定义

A. 本程序中大写术语的含义见 政策.

B. 本程序中所有其他大写术语的含义如下:

1. Elastomeric Respirator means a tight-fitting Respirator with a facepiece that is made of synthetic or rubber material that permits it to be disinfected, 清洗, 并根据制造商的说明重复使用,并配备可更换的墨盒。, 罐(s), 或过滤器(年代).

2. Filtering Facepiece Respirator means a negative-pressure particulate Respirator with a non-replaceable filter as an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the non-replaceable filtering medium.

3. Hand Hygiene means the cleaning and/or disinfecting of one's hands by using standard handwashing methods with soap and running water or an alcohol-based hand rub that is at least 60% alcohol.

4, Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (“PAPR”) means an air-purifying Respirator that 使用s a blower to force the ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.

5. Required User means an employee or student who has been notified by the College that they are required to 使用 a Respirator while participating in a particular class offered by the College.

6. Respirator means a type of personal protective equipment or “PPE” that is certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health under 42 CFR part 84 or is authorized under an emergency 使用 authorization and protect against airborne hazards by removing specific air contaminants from the ambient (surrounding) air or by supplying breathable air from a safe source, 包括但不限于, 过滤式口罩(如.g.(N95),弹性呼吸器和动力空气净化呼吸器或“papr”. 面罩、口罩和面罩不是呼吸器.

7. Tight-Fitting Respirator means a Respirator in which the air pressure inside the facepiece is negative during inhalation with respect to the ambient air pressure outside the Respirator (e.g.(过滤面罩).

8. 用户签章检查 means an action conducted by the Respirator 使用r to determine if the Respirator is properly seated to the face.

9. 自愿使用者是指在AACC工作地点佩戴呼吸器的员工或学生, 但没有被学院要求佩戴呼吸器.

IV.  呼吸机

A.  Employees and Students participating in certain classes may be required to wear a Respirator during those classes to prevent the spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 or other vir使用s.

B.  如果需要防毒口罩,将通知员工和学生.

C.  如有需要,学院将提供呼吸器.

D.  员工和学生必须安排时间接受学院工作人员的防毒面具测试.

V.  要求用户

A.  The College will provide 要求用户 with training prior to first 使用 of a Respirator or if a Required User changes the type of Respirator, 以“所需用户”所能理解的语言及识字水平书写, 和理解, 至少包括以下内容:

1.  如何检查、佩戴和使用呼吸器;

2.  呼吸器的限制和功能, 特别是当呼吸器没有经过适配测试时;

3.  呼吸器的储存、维护和检查程序和时间表;

4.  How to perform a 用户签章检查; and

5.  How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the effective 使用 of 呼吸机 and what to do if the Required User experiences signs and symptoms.

B.  用户签章检查

1.  The College requires that all 要求用户 using a Tight-Fitting Respirator perform a 用户签章检查 to ensure that the Respirator is properly seated to the face each time the Respirator is 穿.

2.  可接受的用户印章检查方法包括:

a. 正压用户密封检查(i.e., 吹出空气),包括以下步骤:

i. 保持良好的手部卫生,正确佩戴防毒面具;

ii. 将双手放在口罩上,尽可能覆盖更大的表面面积;

3. 轻轻地呼气进入面罩.

iv. The face fit is considered satisfactory if a slight positive pressure is being built up inside the facepiece without any evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal.

1) Examples of evidence that it is leaking could be the feeling of air movement on the face along the seal of the facepiece, 玻璃起雾, 或者是面部设备内部缺乏压力.

2)如果微粒呼吸器有呼气阀, then performing a positive pressure check may not be possible unless the Required User can cover the exhalation valve and a negative pressure check must be performed.

b. 负压用户密封检查(1.e.(吸气),包括以下步骤:

i. 保持良好的手部卫生,正确佩戴防毒面具;

ii. 尽量用手覆盖过滤器表面,然后吸气.

3. The facepiece should collapse on the face and the Required User should not feel air passing between the face and the facepiece.

3.  所需用户必须纠正在用户印章检查期间发现的任何问题,例如:

a. 在任何一种情况下,用户盖章检查(正面或负面), 如果鼻子周围漏气, 使用者应使用双手调整呼吸器在面部的位置或调整鼻套, 如果适用的话.

b. 需要的用户可能需要沿着头部两侧重新调整绑带,直到达到适当的密封.

C.  呼吸器的重复使用

1. 过滤式口罩只能由最初接收该口罩的所需用户重复使用, 只有当:

a. 呼吸器没有明显的污染或损坏;

b. 呼吸器已储存在透气的储存容器中(如.g., 纸袋)使用间隔至少五(5)个日历日,并已远离水或湿气;

c. 用户在充足的照明条件下目视检查呼吸器的织物或密封件是否损坏;

d. 所需用户成功完成如上所述的用户印章检查;

e. The Required User 使用s proper Hand Hygiene before putting the Respirator on and conducting the 用户签章检查; and

f. 佩戴口罩累计不超过5天.

2. 弹性呼吸器或PAPR仅在以下情况下可重复使用:

a. 呼吸器没有损坏;

b. The Respirator is 清洗 and disinfected as often as necessary to be 维护ed in a sanitary condition; and

c. 为滤芯、滤筒或过滤器实现一个更改计划.

D.  停止使用呼吸器

1. 要求用户 must discontinue 使用 of a Respirator when either the Required User or a supervisor reports medical signs or symptoms (e.g., 呼吸急促(气促), 咳嗽, 喘息, 胸部疼痛, 还有其他与肺部问题有关的症状吗, 心血管症状),这些症状与使用呼吸器的能力有关.

2. Any Required User who previously had a medical evaluation and was determined to not be medically fit to wear a Respirator will not be provided with a Respirator unless they are re-evaluated and medically cleared to 使用 a Respirator.

VI.  自愿的用户

A.  Employees and Students are permitted to wear a Respirator in lieu of a Face Covering whenever indoors or occupying a vehicle at an AACC Location.

B.  如果自愿使用者提供并使用自己的呼吸器,则适用以下通知:

1. 如果选择和佩戴得当,呼吸器可以成为防范新型冠状病毒肺炎危害的有效方法.

2. Respirator 使用 is encouraged to provide an additional level of comfort and protection for Employees or Students even in circumstances that do not require a Respirator to be 使用d.

3. 然而, 如果呼吸器使用不当或没有保持清洁, 呼吸器本身会对使用者造成危害.

4. 如果学院允许自愿使用者提供和使用他们自己的呼吸器, 自愿使用者需要采取一定的预防措施,以确保呼吸器本身不存在危险.

5. 自愿用户应做到以下几点:

a. 阅读并遵循制造商提供的所有使用说明, 维护, 清洁和护理, 以及关于呼吸器局限性的警告;

b. 跟踪呼吸器,以免自愿使用者误用他人的呼吸器;

c. 当工作场所存在其他危险时(如.g., 化学接触)需要使用呼吸器, 在这种情况下, the College will provide the Employee with a Respirator that is 使用d in accordance with OSHA’s respiratory protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134).

d. 有关使用呼吸器的详细信息,请参见 OSHA的呼吸防护安全和健康主题页面.


政策的标题: 呼吸机程序

政策类别: 一般

政策的所有者: 总统

策略管理员: 学习资源管理副总裁

联系信息: mabeardmore@stylzthreading.com; 410-777-2532; To report a positive test or COVID symptoms, submit a COVID安全报告 或者发邮件给 COVIDSafety@stylzthreading.com

批准日期: 2023年3月6日

有效日期: 2023年3月24日

历史: 《最全菠菜网》于2022年3月24日通过

适用于: 所有大学员工,学生和游客