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You do not have to pursue a degree related to music, dance or theater to be part of AACC’s performing groups.

In fact, we encourage you to branch out, explore your talents, 结识新朋友,成为我们活跃而充满活力的表演团体的一员. 你不仅会与才华横溢的教师和客座导演一起工作, but you’ll have a great time doing it!

Chamber Singers

Music notation on a chalk board.

这个合奏团需要试镜,学生的录取依据是声乐技巧和视唱能力(读谱能力足以唱一首不熟悉的曲子)。. “室内歌手”课程(MUS 281)为1学分,可重修四次. 没有相应的非信用类,但信用类可以作为审计. The class meets from noon to 2:45 p.m. Fridays. 室内乐歌手通常在学期结束时与音乐会合唱团进行双重音乐会. Other opportunities to perform may come up during the year. 

学生可以注册课程,并由导师联系, Doug Byerly, to set up an audition time and date. 未被室内歌手录取的学生可以考虑音乐会合唱团或应用声乐(或两者)来提高个人技能. Questions can be sent to Doug Byerly at or 410-777-7019. 

Concert Band

Audition for a Group - Band

An audition is not required for Concert Band. 音乐会乐队在每学期结束时演出,偶尔也会在一年中的其他时间演出.

The related course, “Concert Band” (MUS 184), is worth 1 credit and can be repeated four times, for a total of 4 credits. 它也可以作为一门非学分课程(“社区音乐会乐队”MUC 311)。. The class meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Mondays. Concert Band questions can be sent to Paul Dembowksi at

Concert Choir

AACC student auditions for choir.

No audition is necessary.  学生可以选择1学分课程(MUC 182)或非学分课程(MUC 312)。. Class usually is scheduled from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesdays in Cade 224. “音乐会合唱团”课程最多可重修四次,共可获得4个学分. 学生必须参加期末音乐会. 全年都有其他表演机会. For questions, contact Doug Byerly at


AACC students dance in a studio classroom.

Members of the Dance Company are selected through performance-based auditions. 剧团成员有机会编舞自己的作品, 除了舞蹈,还有客座编舞和导演的作品.

试镜安排在秋季和春季学期课程的第二周. There is no need to prepare a solo for the audition; just come prepared to dance. 公司成员不一定是注册学生,尽管注册学生有优先权. 

公司全年都参与服务学习项目, including miniperformances, 讲座/示范和“嘉宾点”在全国各地的各个小学, middle, high school and college venues. 在秋季学期和春季学期结束时有公开演出, 一般是十二月的第一个周末和五月的第一个周末. Dates are subject to change.



Jazz: Small Combo & Big Band

AACC student practices piano.

Audition is required for the Jazz Ensembles. 爵士乐团在每学期末举行音乐会,偶尔也会在一年中的其他时间演出.

If you are a new student, 建议你注册周三的部分,教练会联系你安排一次试镜(回归爵士乐队的学生通常不需要再次试镜)。. The related course, “Jazz Band” (MUS 181), 是1个学分,可以重修四次,共4个学分. 它也可以作为一门非学分课程,“社区爵士乐团”(MUC 309)。.

爵士乐队与其他乐团的一个显著区别是,爵士乐队的学生被分成两组——由伊恩·沃登斯基指挥的小爵士组合和由梅塞德斯·贝克曼指挥的爵士大乐队. The Small Jazz Combo meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesdays; the Jazz Big Band meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Wednesdays. Questions can be sent to Ian Wardenski at or 410-777-7069.


AACC students in costume sing opera.

歌剧演员通常在预定演出前几个月进行试演. 试镜是通过预约,并在阿诺德的AACC举行. 试镜时间和日期可以通过道格·拜尔利安排 or 410-777-7019. Opera auditions are open to the public.

“歌剧工作坊”(MUS 280)课程每学期都开设,但并不总是有一部歌剧与课程相吻合. 上了这门课并不一定意味着你就能出演歌剧, 但是很多工作坊的学生确实出现在表演中. 

Symphony Orchestra

AACC student plays trombone.

Audition is required for Symphony Orchestra. 交响乐团在每学期结束时举行音乐会,偶尔也会在一年中的其他时间演出(该乐团最近在肯尼迪中心演出)!)

If you are new to the Symphony Orchestra, 建议您注册相关课程,指导老师会联系您安排试镜(返回乐团的学生一般不需要再次试镜)。. The related course, “Symphony Orchestra” (MUS 180), 是1个学分,可以重修四次,共4个学分. 它也可以作为一门非学分课程,“社区管弦乐队”(MUC 310)。. The class meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Thursdays. 交响乐团的问题可以发送到Anna Binneweg or 410-777-7218.


AACC students audition for theater.

戏剧系(AACC剧院)每学期至少制作一个节目, alternating between plays and musicals each season. 试镜通常在每学期的前两周举行,并向公众开放. However, if actors of equal skill are being considered for a role, AACC students will be cast over community members. AACC Theatre also offers acting, 制作和其他学习机会与我们的分阶段阅读系列, 特邀艺术家系列和黑盒系列(短剧编剧), directed, designed and acted by students).

“戏剧制作”(THA-180)课程是秋季和春季演出不可或缺的一部分. 这个班的学生利用课堂实验时间来完成表演. 而参加“戏剧制作”的学生则成为AACC剧院学生戏剧和即兴表演俱乐部的一员, all AACC students are welcome to join the clubs. 


For questions regarding theatre productions, auditions and theatre classes, or to find out about other theatre happenings and events, contact Sean Urbantke at or 410-777-7125.